Choreography: Wen Wei Wang
Performers: Dario Dinuzzi, Ralph Escamillan, Andrew Haydock, Arash Khakpour, and Justin Calvadores
Premiere: May 25, 2017, Scotiabank Dance Centre, Vancouver, Canada
Dialogue is a piece for five men that explores themes of contact, communication and language – both spoken and unspoken. Underlying our learned ability to speak language, there is a fundamental urge to communicate. Drawing on Wen Wei Wang’s personal experience as a non-English speaking immigrant to Canada, Dialogue explores the basic desire to be understood, and the loneliness when one does not achieve those rare honest connections with others. Dialogue strives to break down the sophisticated and artificial systems of language and technology to examine the universality of communication and of our collective experience.
Wen Wei Dance gratefully acknowledges The Firehall Arts Centre and The Dance Centre for residencies provided towards the creation of this work.
Wen Wei Dance gratefully acknowledges the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, the Province of British Columbia through the British Columbia Arts Council and the Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch, and the City of Vancouver.
Photos by Chris Randle.
“…a vibrant, shimmering performance that thrilled the audience…” - Plank Magazine